Deci,ce producem?

Sensori pentru procese industriale, mediul inconjurator, laboratoare de testare si cercetare- pentru acele marimi
electrice si ne-electrice pentru care avem deja baza metrologica de testare si calibrare.
Echipamente de control specializate pentru procese industriale si agro-zootehnice.
Niste mici "caramizi" pentru automatizari, de complexitate redusa, pentru proiecte noi
sau extinderi "peste-noapte" a celor existente.
Proiectam si testam multe versiuni, dar producem si vindem numai ceea ce s-a dovedit a fi robust si fiabil.
Toate sunt proiecte (aproape) [Open.Source] Daca esti un pasionat, cere-ne pachetul de design hardware si iti trimitem.
Majoritatea sunt construite pe microcontrollere PIC de 8 si 16 biti.
Programele utilitare care deservesc produsele sunt scrise in Pascal/Dephi si Android.
Putem avea o convorbire si despre soft. Produsele nu sunt pe gratis, piese, utilitati, know.

Mai jos, am bagat si un text cu cravata, pentru investitori:




General Presentation

Iosil Controls,Ltd. is a  private proprietorship owned and Romanian (Oradea) operated small company, specialized in the field of design and manufacture of intelligent microprocessor based process control instrumentation.

The company was founded in 2002 and very soon was undertaking contract manufacturing for the most important local companies . The founder, Dipl.Ing. Iosif Szilagyi came from a background of sensor research and application management. Iosil Controls employs approximately 1-9 highly specialized people (it varies from time to time). The employees cover all aspects of a design and manufacturing company from R&D to manufacture, marketing, sales and support. The development and manufacturing chain includes other qualified small business local companies, as well as Hungarian and Australian entities.  One of the benefits of having all departments and activities so closely connected is the increased flexibility that Iosil Controls can offer to their customers. The Research and Development department rise to all challenges and the microprocessor based design of the instrumentation allows for customization and modification to meet your requirements. Research is ongoing to enhance and improve the range of instrumentation and sensors with new products being released all the time.


[CONFIDENCE]:  We treat any client, any request or any proposal under the seal of confidence,
regardless of contractual or non, relations.
[SERIOUSNESS]: No unanswered mails, no communication gaps. However, we reserve the right to accept
only technical and/or commercial correspondence in coherency with our commitment of performance.
[NON-DISCLOSURE]: We will manage all our engagements under absolute liability of non-disclosure,
not only at all active time of project , but two years more.
[FIELD OF COMPETENCY]: Hardware and software development for MCU based applications, including:
-smart sensors
-counters, timers, sequencers
-time-function integrators (charge transport, Arrhenius etc.)
-teach-in relays
-process controllers
-signal conditioners
-network node controllers
Software and external hardware development for PC based applications, written using Borland Delphi and for portable Android devices .

[LIMITATIONS]: Much as we have experience in digging for original solutions, we are not a genius.
Moreover, we are unqualified to solve "perpetuum mobile" type problems or those beyond the science .

We are ready to provide custom design solutions, allowing the the maximum amount of flexibility and creativity in Your control applications.
Feel free to send us Your wish list, questions, proposals.
Do not forget: clever questions -> smart solutions.